Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just starting out.....

OK - What am I doing? I am so NOT computer savvy! I mean really, I use to know alot about computers, but...use it or lose it!
So anyway, I am a mom, who is married to my high school sweetheart and we have 2 kids. I am a stay at home mom who loves food. I use to cook some, but not very well. Once I started staying home, I was cooking every night. We would have the same thing over and over and over. I started trying new recipes and now we have a little more variety. I say a little more because some of us are picky eaters!
My youngest has Mowat-Wilson Syndrome (www.mowatwilson.org) and when we found out he had GI troubles, I started looking into health and nutrition. The healing powers of food, the life style options of raw food, vegan and vegetarian. My husband and I grew up in the South - come on - vegetarian has never been part of our vocabulary, much less vegan or raw foodist, not even vitamins, etc. If it couldn't be cooked in bacon grease or lard, then we didn't eat it! Ha!
I am not a vegetarian, but over the last couple of years I have been doing research on having a healthier lifestyle. We will do good for a little while, then ball season gets underway and going out to eat is just, easy. We start not feeling well then start eating better again. It's a back and forth thing for us. I use to get flustered, but, it's just our life.
So, with that being said, I still like cooking and baking healthy when I can and I love learning new things about food, nutrition, health, and well, lots of things.
I have created this blog to share and chat and maybe make a new friend or two. Who's to say I couldn't learn a thing or two from you?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm so excited you have created a food blog! This is perfect for you! I am happy to be your first "follower" ;) and can't wait to see and try your recipes and tips. I can tell by your FB posts that you're a very good cook -- you're going to love food blogging. Welcome to the community!
